Anquetil du Perron was the first European scholar to come to India with the two-fold purpose of learning the religion of Zoroaster from the followers of the prophet themselves and acquainting European scholars with the result of his studies. After several years in India, he returned to Europe with a large collection of Zoroastrian manuscripts, depositing them at la Bibliotheque du Roi in Paris.
Kavasji Edalji Kanga, then Headmaster of the Mulla Feroze Madresa in Bombay translated extracts from the “Narrative of Mons. Anquetil du Perron’s Travels in India, chiefly those concerning his researches in the Life & Religion of Zoraster, and in the Ceremonial and Ethical System of the same Religion as contained in Zend and Pehlvi Books, translated from the French.”
First published in 1876 and out of print for a long period of time, it was decided to reprint this very important work in 2006. A magnanimous donation from the Zartoshty Bros. (Faridoon and Mehraban) Fund made it possible to bring out this publication.
This book is priced at US$25.00, inclusive of air-mail postage, packing, handling and bank charges.