
Pursuant to a decision taken by the Governing Body of the Institute in 1966, the collected works of Kharshedji Rustamji Cama were published in two volumes.

Volume 1 includes:

The Religion and the Customs of the Persians and other Iranians, as described by the Grecian and Roman Authors,” translated from the German by Dr A Rapp, Parts 1 to 16; 1877 to 1879.

Zoroastrian Religion as one of the Sources of Modern Philosophy” extracted and translated from Dr Roth’s German work on “The Egyptian and Zoroastrian Doctrines of Faith as the Oldest Sources of our Speculative Ideas.” (1879)

A biographical sketch of K R Cama, contributed by Prof Phiroze J Shroff, President of the K R Cama Oriental Institute forms part of this book.




This book is priced at US$60.00, inclusive of air-mail postage, packing, handling and bank charges.